
Stalker shadow of chernobyl complete mod install
Stalker shadow of chernobyl complete mod install

stalker shadow of chernobyl complete mod install

The best tech, being built on OGSR 1.0007 64-bit engine which improves stability and performance. This is the ultimate version of Shadow of Chernobyl.

  • "I just like my vanilla experience, maybe it's nostalgia" -> At this point they've already been destroyed.
  • These idiots are saying "Graphics don't matter to me, so they probably don't matter to someone else" which is an arrogant self-absorbed and almost certainly incorrect generalization.
  • "Graphics don't matter" -> Retort: And? I doubt they actually believe this, they wouldn't want Stalker to have Pong graphics, but even then it obviously matters to MOST people, so might as well improve it since you can.
  • Autumn Aurora does this, AMK 1.4 does not for example.
  • "Mods change the style and alter the core identity of the game" -> Retort: Not necessarily.
  • Instead they should play the improved modded version first, and if they like it, then maybe check out vanilla one day, but they don't need to play all of vanilla to understand what was improved.
  • "You should see vanilla first, to see what was improved" -> Retort: Most people don't replay games, so they shouldn't take that chance.

    That, and developers' intentions are imperfect as these mods show since some only objectively improve things.

    stalker shadow of chernobyl complete mod install

    "You should see vanilla first, to see what the devs intended" -> Retort: None of the Stalker games were released exactly as intended, especially SoC and CS - there are mods that actually make them as INTENDED (Oblivion Lost Remake for SoC, various mods that add back cut levels and content to CS).Here are the common arguments people give to play vanilla first: You don't know if you're even going to like the game much less replay the game therefore you might as well play the objectively improved (modded) version from the get go, to ensure the highest chance of liking the game.

    stalker shadow of chernobyl complete mod install

    This has been done countless times with Shadow of Chernobyl. It's potentially only objectively better, depending on the mod you're using - Every game has flaws and shortcomings, but moddable games have the advantage of allowing the community to improve the game.For S.T.A.L.K.E.R., the vast majority of the community says vanilla first, but I strongly disagree and vote for modded first.Įveryone should play the game modded first because: This is a common subject, and the common answer differs depending on the game community.

    Stalker shadow of chernobyl complete mod install